Rachel Hawkes

Yr 6 French Autumn Term

There is a PowerPoint resource for each lesson. In Yr 6 we anticipate that pupils will have a weekly lesson of between 30-40 minutes. Equally important, however, are the few minutes spent every day re-capping the language learnt each week. This is done with the Class 6 teacher. Suggestions for different activities are included in the Resources column.

Teachers adapt these master copies to suit their classes but ensure that they cover the language and skills as shown on the Scheme of Work.

Autumn Term
Week Objective Language (core content) Resources NC PoS ICU Follow up
To recap the most necessary language needed for the classroom, key questions covered in previous years and phonics. Classroom language, questions and phonics Lesson 1
Lesson 1 (with audio)
To revise months and seasons les mois: janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
les saisons: le printemps, l'été, l'automne, l'hiver
Lesson 2
Lesson 2 (with audio)
To describe a variety of weather phrases in the present tense. Describing weather
Quel temps fait-il? - What is the weather like?
le temps - the weather
la météo - the weather forecast
Il fait... It is
frais -cool
beau - fine
chaud - hot
du vent- windy
froid -cold
mauvais- bad
du soleil -sunny
il y a...-there is...
du brouillard -fog
un orage -a storm
il pleut - it's raining
il neige -it's snowing
quand il fait beau... -when it is nice weather...
Lesson 3 and weather activities from workbook
Lesson 3 (with audio) and weather activities from workbook
To know the seasons in French. To use the language of weather to describe climates in different places. Describing weather
Quel temps fait-il?
Á Blois il fait froid... Á Marseille il fait du soleil
Lesson 4 and weather activities from workbook
Lesson 4 (with audio) and weather activities from workbook
To revise key weather and season vocabulary. To read and perform a poem in French about autumn. More weather
En hiver il fait toujours froid. (In winter it's always cold.)
en hiver (in winter), en automne (in autumn), au printemps (in spring), en été (in summer), quelquefois (sometimes), normalement (usually/normally)
Lesson 5
Lesson 5 (with audio)
  French handwriting. Authentic texts.  
To gain a basic understanding of the geography of France and some of its geographnical features using terms in French. To know the compass points in French. Geography
Où est...? Where is...?
C'est dans le nord (north), le sud (south), l'est (east), l'ouest (west), le centre.
Les montagnes (the mountains), les rivières - (rivers), les mers (the seas), les villes (towns), les grandes villes (cities).
Lesson 6 and pages from workbook
Lesson 6 (with audio) and pages from workbook
To learn some countries in French and link them to their flags using colours. Countries, colours, flags
l'Angleterre (England), l'Allemagne (Germany), la France (France), l'Espagne (Spain), l'Irlande (Ireland)
le pays (country), le drapeau (flag), la couleur (colour)
bleu, vert, noir, gris, rouge, orange, rose, jaune, marron, blanc, violet
Lesson 7
Lesson 7 (with audio)
To say what several countries are famous for and give our opinion Pourquoi la France est célèbre?
(What is France famous for?)
Tu aimes...? Do you like...?
Pourquoi? Why?
J'aime, Je n'aime pas, J'adore, Je déteste...
parce que je pense que c'est... (because I think that it's...)
amusant/e, ennuyeux/se, impressionnant/e, émouvant/e, intéressant/e, délicieux/se, horrible
Lesson 8
Lesson 8 (with audio)
"To learn the names of the countries that border France. Describe where they are using the compass points in French. " La France a sept pays voisins
(France has seven neighbouring countries)
l'Allemagne, l'Angleterre, l'Espagne, la Grande-Bretagne, l'Italie, la Suisse, le Luxembourg, la Belgique, l'Europe
Lesson 9
Lesson 9 (with audio)
To describe what there is in France, using the phrase 'a lot of' Il y a beaucoup de... (there are a lot of...)
montagnes (mountains), rivières (rivers), ports (ports), aéroports (airports), plages (beaches)
Lesson 10
Lesson 10 (with audio)
To describe France and understand a longer text about France. La France
la population, la capitale, grand / petit
Lesson 11
Lesson 11 (with audio)
To use the correct word for 'in' when talking about towns and countries. To revise countries learnt. To say where you come from in French. J'habite... I live...
J'habite à Londres (+ town) I live in London
J'habite en France (f - country) I live in France
J'habite au Portugal (m - country) I live in Portugal
Quelle est la capitale de (la France)?
C'est Paris.
Lesson 12
Lesson 12 (with audio)
To learn some languages and nationalities in French. Je suis... I am...
anglais/anglaise (English)
français/française (French)
gallois/galloise (Welsh)
portugais/portugaise (Portuguese)
espagnol/espagnole (Spanish)
Quelles langues parles-tu? Which languages do you speak?
la langue (language)
Je parle... I speak...
français (French), anglais (English)
Lesson 13
Lesson 13 (with audio)
To learn some key vocabulary used in the film Kirikou and complete activities related to the film Kirikou
l'Afrique (Africa), le Sénégal (Senegal), la Sorcière (the sourceress/ witch), un bébé (a baby), les enfants (the children), mon ami (my friend), les pouvoirs (the powers), le tambour (the drum), le baobab (the baobub tree), le coq (the cockerel), l'oiseau (the bird), le bol (the bowl), les huttes (the huts), grand (big), petit (small), méchant (nasty), gentil (kind), sympa (nice)
Lesson 14