Rachel Hawkes

Language Leaders

Learning to lead and leading to learn!

Student Leadership is a buzz word for school leaders and managers currently.  It is one of the whole school themes that crosses over into the Every Child Matters agenda, Student Voice and Citizenship.  Seizing centre stage for languages as the focus for developing student leadership skills means raising the profile of languages across the whole school.  Who can claim that their languages department wouldn’t benefit from this?

Strategies we have implemented involve initiating year 7 into leadership in a small way, extending skills in years 8 and culminating with the full Language Leaders Award in year 9.

"CVC language learners became the teachers again last year for the 4th successful year of our Language Leader Scheme which took place throughout the academic year.  To achieve the award, students have to deliver a series of language lessons to primary students.  A total of 37 CVC students visited a number of feeder primary schools to deliver lessons in French, Spanish, German and Mandarin.  All the students worked really hard preparing their lessons and this effort was evident by the way the primary students enjoyed the sessions.  This year 45 students have been accepted on the Language Leader Scheme and they are all busy preparing their first lesson which they will deliver in November." (Excerpt Lingua@Com October 2010 - the magazine of CVC Language College Specialism).

The course has been run successfully for 3 years as an intra-school project but last year we were very pleased that Routes into Languages East wanted to help us to develop the project and also to raise its profile and accessibility across the region. It has been highly beneficial to have their support, firstly as the endorsement of an outside agency that gives the award heightened kudos, and secondly, in terms of the certificates, pendrives and logbooks that Routes has provided to students enrolled on the course. All documentation associated with our version of the Language Leaders Award is available on the Routes into Languages wiki and below:

Introduction to the Award and FAQ
Letter to parents
Language Leader Assembly
Language Leader Application Form
Language Leader Log Book
Course overview
Details of Y7 and 8 language leadership opportunities

EU Language Leaders
Language Leaders 1
Language Leaders 3
Language Leaders 2
Routes East