Yr 6 French
This is the completed KS2 French curriculum (for now; there will undoubtedly be tweaks and updates in the future!).
It includes the planning documents that accompany the Yr 6 French scheme of work, as well as all of the lesson resources. These lessons have been adapted by Rachel Hawkes, Katherine Smith, Katherine Monument, Kirsty Williams and Laurie Girard from the Spanish versions.
Here is the French overview with a list of content (vocabulary and structures), skills and main task types and ways of working - follow the term links (Autumn, Spring, Summer) to get to the lesson resources.
Autumn Term Pupils begin this unit by learning to describe the weather. They then move on combine weather and seasons and describe the climate in different places.They will study a French poem about Autumn and perform it in small groups. They will gain a basic understanding of the geography of France and learn some key geographical features in French. They will learn the countries that border France and the compass points. They will learn the French for some countries and their flags, describing them in French with colours. They will learn the 'ER' verb parler to speak and be able to say which languages they speak as well as saying where they live and where they come from. They will understand why French is spoken in so many different countires and be aware of La francophonie. They will watch a French film set in Senegal and learn some key vocabulary from the film. |
Spring Term Pupils will learn how to say more about where they and others live, practising the key structure 'c'est' and 'ce n'est pas'. They will learn the vocabulary for places in a town, and how to build sentences saying what there is (il y a) and what there is not (Il n'y a pas de). They will develop their dictionary and memory skills, learning a French poem about Paris and creating their own version. Pupils will learn about some key French festivals and extend their use of '-ER' regular verbs in the present tense. |
Summer Term This term should be approached flexibly. There are opportunities for revision and consolidation of essential KS2 language, but, if desired, there are new topics and projects to explore, including holidays, clothes, going to a café and/or buying ice creams. |