Rachel Hawkes

Making the case for languages

Most language teachers and Heads of Department find themselves in the position where they need to make the case for languages, whether to Governors, SMT, parents or students. The four sessions below address this need, and the ideas contained in them work very well in tandem with the 'Raising the profile of languages' projects detailed elsewhere on this site.

The USPs of Languages - Cardiff

The USPs of languages
Cardiff keynote 16 Sept 2014 (PPT - big file)



The USPs of Languages

The USPs of languages
The USPs of languages (pdf)


Making the case for languages

Making the case
Making the case (pdf)
Handout 1 - Lluvia de ideas (pdf)
Handout 2 - Why learn a language? (pdf)
Handout 3 - Community Cohesion (pdf)
Handout 4 - Lifelong learning skills (pdf)
Handout 5 - The International Design (pdf)
Handout 6 - Student leaderships (pdf)
Handout 7 - Cross-curriculum (pdf)
Handout 8 - Useful links (pdf)


Embedding the specialism

Embedding the specialism
Embedding the specialism (pdf)


Community Cohesion & embedding the specialism

Community Cohesion
Community Cohesion & embedding the specialism (pdf)