Rachel Hawkes

Yr 5 Spanish

We teach Spanish to all pupils throughout KS2. It is the first foreign language pupils learn.

I include here the planning documents that accompany our Yr 5 curriculum, as well as all of the lesson resources.

Scheme of Work Planning Document - KS2 Y5 study booklet (PPT)  
Y5 study booklet (pdf) Classroom language list for teachers  

Here is the Spanish overview with a list of content (vocabulary and structures), skills and main task types and ways of working - follow the term links to get to the lesson resources.

Autumn Term

This unit starts with simple calculations based on the five times table, and leads into learning how to ask for and give the time.  Learners also extend their food and drink vocabulary.  They learn how to say when mealtimes are and what they usually have, comparing with eating habits in Spain.  They learn how to give their opinions of different food and drink and complete a simple food / drink diary in Spanish. 
Spring Term

This unit focuses on sports and opinions.  Learners pronounce cognate and other sports accurately from text, applying their phonics knowledge from previous years.  They practise using a dictionary to look up unknown words.  They describe sports, using simple sentences with 'tiene', 'es' and 'hay' for their peers to guess.  They learn how to say which sports they like/dislike doing, using 'me gusta' + infinitive verb.
Summer Term

In this term, learners use dictionaries to look up different instruments.  They use opinions in the context of different types of music, and to give reasons why, using 'porque' (because).  Giving opinions can be tricky in Spanish because of the nature of using these verbs of opinion ‘gustar’ (to like) & ‘encantar’ (to love) and the fact that the adjectives used to describe things must match the number & gender of the thing they describe. They use the language they have learnt to create short raps or songs about food, sports or music.
As always, pupils are encouraged at all times to strive to work things out for themselves, work in pairs and small groups sharing knowledge, and to speak aloud when possible – thereby building confidence.
Pronunciation, memory, pattern finding, sentence building, autonomy, performance and creativity are the concepts at the heart of these resources.