Rachel Hawkes

Yr 5 Spanish Spring Term

There is a PowerPoint resource for each lesson. In Yr 5 we anticipate that pupils will have a weekly lesson of between 45 - 60 minutes. Equally important, however, are the few minutes spent every day re-capping the language learnt each week. This is done with the Class 5 teacher. Suggestions for different activities are being added to this Scheme of Work and will appear soon.

Teachers adapt these master copies to suit their classes but ensure that they cover the language and skills as shown on the Scheme of Work. Where other resources are also used, these are listed in the resources column.

Spring Term
Week Objective(s) Language (core content) Resource(s) NC PoS ICU Follow up
To develop use of a dictionary for nouns.
To apply phonics knowledge to new language
¿Cómo se pronuncia? Sports & dictionary skills lesson 2 - alphabet of sports Lesson 13

R3, R5 Introduce a few sports that are popular / traditional in Spanish-speaking countries.  
To ask for and give opinions about sports Sports & likes/dislikes (me gusta/no me gusta) - survey
¿Te gusta (el rugby)? (Do you like (rugby)?
el fútbol (football), el rugby (rugby), el ciclismo (cycling), el tenis (tennis), el esquí (skiing), el atletismo (athletics), la natación (swimming), la gimnasia (gymnastics)

Lesson 14

Lesson 14 survey

L1, L2, S1(a), S1(b), S2    
To talk about the sports you do
To use two key verbs in the present tense
Saying what sports you play/do
Saying what sports you do using ‘Juego al…’ or ‘Practico…’
Combining these with opinions and linking words to produce extended responses.
Key grammar: use of a + definite article for playing sports
Lesson 15 L1, S1(a), S2, G1, G4    
To talk about the sports you know how to do. Saying what sports you know how to do play/do (Sé jugar al/ practicar)
Focus on skiing (in Spain)
¿Qué deportes sabes practicar?
Sé practicar/jugar al …
Extending key answers with extra detail.
Lesson 16   Can you ski in Spain? What do pupils think? Investigate the answer.  
To learn expressions of frequency to say how often you do different sports. Saying how often you do something
Los lunes (On Mondays)
etc with rest of the days of the week
Todos los días (every day)
Una vez a la semana (once a week)
Dos veces a la semana (twice a week)
A veces (sometimes)
Nunca (never)
Lesson 17 L1, L2, S2, S3, G4, G5    
To learn the pronouns.
To learn the 6 verb endings and see the formal layout of a verb table.
Regular -AR verb Practicar - to do (sports)
(yo) practico
(tú) practicas
(él / ella) practica
(nosotros) practicamos
(vosotros) practicáis
(ellos / ellas) practican
Lesson 18
G4, W1, W2, W3    
To write and adapt sentences to describe sports done using the verb ‘practicar’ including when and how often these are done. Saying when & how often you do something Lesson 19      
To use the different parts of practicar to talk about the actions of others AR-verb paradigm practice - talking about the sports others do   S2, S3, R1, R3, R4, W3, G4    
To use verbs to give instructions Using the command form to give simple movement instructions
Dad la vuelta (Turn around), ¡Saltad! (Jump!), Dad un paso a la derecha (Take a step to the right), Tocad los pies (Touch your feet), Poned las manos arriba (Put your hands up), Dad un paso a la izquierda (Take a step to the left), Poned las manos abajo (Put your hands down)
Lesson 21 L1, L2, S1(c)    
To use verbs to give instructions Creating a simple exercise/dance routine (and dance Hokey Cokey in Spanish) Lesson 22 L1, L2, S1(c)