Rachel Hawkes

Yr 3 French

This is the completed KS2 French curriculum (for now; there will undoubtedly be tweaks and updates in the future!).

It includes the planning documents that accompany the Yr 3 French scheme of work, as well as all of the lesson resources. These lessons have been adapted by Rachel Hawkes, Katherine Smith, Katherine Monument, Kirsty Williams, Phaedra Schofield and Laurie Girard from the Spanish versions.

Scheme of Work Planning Document (Excel) Y3 study booklet (PPT) Y3 study booklet (pdf)
Y3 Progress Check 1 (Word)
Y3 Progress Check 1 - Answers (Word)
Y3 Progress Check 2 (Word)
Y3 Progress Check 2 - Answers (Word)

Here is the French overview with a list of content (vocabulary and structures), skills and main task types and ways of working - follow the term links (Autumn, Spring, Summer) to get to the lesson resources.

Autumn Term

Year 3 pupils start with the phonics, learning the vowels first. They practise these using a variety of activities. They learn the numbers 1-12 and how to ask and give their age. Then they learn the other key phonic sounds. They read rhyming stories, sing songs, practise tongue twisters and have further opportunities to make the sound-written link by listening to words and anticipating their spelling. They also learn some nouns (pencil case items). They are made aware of gender through colour coding. They use the verb forms 'j'ai - I have', 'il/elle est - it is' and implicitly encounter the negative forms of these.
Spring Term

The theme is animals and colours. The linguistic focus is gender, articles (definite & indefinite), plurals and adjectives (position & basic agreement). The grammatical concepts are all based around a core vocabulary of 9 animal nouns and 6 colours so nothing so becomes too difficult. The key verbs are 'il/elle est' (he/she/it is), 'ils sont' (they are), il y a (there is/are). The negative is revisited and there is also a subtle introduction to 'aussi' (also/too/as well), 'mais' (but).
Pupils are encouraged at all times to strive to work things out for themselves, work in pairs and small groups sharing knowledge, and to speak aloud when possible - thereby building confidence. Pronunciation, memory, pattern finding, sentence building, autonomy, performance and creativity are the concepts at the heart of these resources.
Summer Term

This unit focuses on memory and performance in that it asks pupils to retell a familiar story - The Very Hungry Caterpillar - in French. Pupils are first introduced to useful vocabulary from the story - numbers, days of the week, fruits, foods - and then introduced to the story in video and audio format. After several activities developing memory and practising pronunciation, pupils will hopefully feel confident enough to retell the story in one of a variety of verbal ways - with pictures, with video, or with video and subtitles (for those who need the written back-up for now). The idea is that everyone can have a go and feel successful.
Take some video of your pupils' performances or have the most confident perform in assembly!