Rachel Hawkes

Yr 6 French Spring Term

There is a PowerPoint resource for each lesson. In Yr 6 we anticipate that pupils will have a weekly lesson of between 30-40 minutes. Equally important, however, are the few minutes spent every day re-capping the language learnt each week. This is done with the Class 6 teacher. Suggestions for different activities are included in the Resources column.

Teachers adapt these master copies to suit their classes but ensure that they cover the language and skills as shown on the Scheme of Work.

Spring Term
Week Objective Language (core content) Resources NC PoS ICU Follow up
To learn words for different areas/ types of places to live. Où habites-tu?
J'habite à Cambridge près de Londres.
Cambridge, c'est comment?
C'est une ville.
C'est une grande ville.
C'est une petite ville.
C'est un village.
C'est à la montagne.
C'est à la campagne.
C'est au bord de la mer.
C'est en banlieue.
C'est en centre-ville.
Lesson 15
Lesson 15 (with audio)
To practise talking about where you live in more detail. Language as above, plus:
et (and), mais (but), aussi (also)
Lesson 16
Lesson 16 (with audio)
To learn words to say what is in a town. Dictionary skills Nouns for places in town. Indefinite articles un/une. Lesson 17
Lesson 17 (with audio)
To learn words to say what is in a town. (a cinema) un cinéma (a park) un parc (a museum) un musée (a castle) un château (a restaurant) un restaurant (a sports centre) un centre sportif (a stadium) un stade (a market) un marché (a shopping centre) un centre commercial (a university) une université (a shop) un magasin (a swimming pool) une piscine Lesson 18
Lesson 18 (with audio)
To create sentences to say / write there is / there is not and build a conversation. Dans mon village, il y a... un/une/des, il n'y a pas de...
A (Cambridge) il y a..., il n'y a pas de...
Lesson 19
Lesson 19 (with audio)
To explore a French poem .
To practise memory and performance skills.
Exploring a French poem
Dans Paris- Paul Eluard
Lesson 20
Lesson 20 (with audio)
To create their own version of a famous poem. Exploring a French poem
Dans Paris- Paul Eluard
Lesson 21
Lesson 21 (with audio)
French festivals using the present tense of more 'ER' verbs Introduction to six festivals/festive days in France - on mange, on porte, on commémore, on fait, on voit Lesson 22
Lesson 22 (with audio)
French festivals Le Carnaval à Dunkerque
on mange, on chante, on danse, on joue d'un instrument, on porte, on voit
Lesson 23
Carnaval Dunkerque reading
Lesson 23 (with audio)
French festivals La fête des lumières à Lyon
C'est quand la fête? Ça dure combien de jours? Où est la fête? Qu'est-ce qu'on porte? Quel temps fait-t-il? Que font les visiteurs/les habitants?
Lesson 24
Lesson 24 (with audio)
Danser - regular verbs in the present tense. je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles
-e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent (danser, porter, regarder, chanter, manger, jouer, aimer, adorer, détester)
Lesson 25
To use a writing frame to write a text about a festival in England.
To apply grammar (articles, adjectives (agreement and place), key verb forms, linking words).
Describing a festival in England Lesson 26
Support sheet
Lesson 26 (with audio)