Rachel Hawkes

Yr 5 French Autumn Term

There is a PowerPoint resource for each lesson. In Yr 5 we anticipate that pupils will have a weekly lesson of between 30-40 minutes. Equally important, however, are the few minutes spent every day re-capping the language learnt each week. This is done with the Class 5 teacher. Suggestions for different activities are included in the Resources column.

Teachers adapt these master copies to suit their classes but ensure that they cover the language and skills as shown on the Scheme of Work.

Autumn Term
Week Objective Language (core content) Resources NC PoS ICU Follow up
To recap the most necessary language needed for the classroom and get pupils to think about why French is an important language to learn. Classroom language
Introduce question words (with gestures)
Comment Quand Qui Pourquoi Quel/s quelle/s Où etc
Lesson 1
Lesson 1 (with audio)
Small cards
L1, S1(a), S1(c)    
To revise and extend knowledge of the numbers needed to tell the time Learning the 5 x table + song Lesson 2
Lesson 2 (with audio)
L1, L2, R3    
To learn how to ask for and give the time (hour, half and quarter) Asking for & giving the time
What time is it? Quelle heure est-il?
It's one o'clock, It's five o'clock
Il est une heure, il est cinq heures
Lesson 3
Lesson 3 (with audio)
L1, L2, S1(a), S2, R3   Quelle heure game
To consolidate and extend the ability to ask for / give the time Asking for & giving the time
What time is it? Quelle heure est-il?
It's ten past five. Il es cinq heures dix.
It's twenty to five. Il est cinq heures moins vingt.
Lesson 4
Lesson 4 (with audio)
L1, L2, S1(a), S2, R1, R3   Time dominoes
To say 'at ... o'clock.'
To describe what you usually have for breakfast.
What time do you have breakfast?
A quelle heure manges-tu le petit déjeuner?
What do you have for breakfast?
Qu'est-ce que tu manges au petit déjeuner?
Je mange...

un yaourt, des céreales, du pain, du pain grillé, des fruits, de la confiture...
Je bois... du thé, du café, du jus d'orange, du chocolat chaud
(Key grammar: de + definite article - de+le -> du, de la, de+les -> des)
Lesson 5
Lesson 5 (with audio)
L1, L2, S1(a), S2, R1, R3, G1 Look at typical breakfast foods in Spanish-speaking countries.  
To learn how to communicate likes and dislikes. Recycle familiar foods & introduce opinions
I like - J'aime
I don't like - Je n'aime pas
(Key grammar: use the definite article (le / la) after verbs of like/dislike)
Lesson 6
Lesson 6 (with audio)
L1, L2, S1(b), S2, G1    
To consolidate and embed the new language. More food & opinions Lesson 7
Lesson 7 (with audio)
L1, S1(b)    
To learn to use different persons of the regular -ER verb MANGER
To write short sentences about what different people eat for breakfast.
What do you have for breakfast?
Using different parts of the -ER verb.
Lesson 8
Lesson 8 (with audio)
W1, W2, G4    
To learn how to say you prefer.
To practise saying what you eat and drink for lunch on different days.
What time is lunch? À quelle heure manges-tu au collège?
Packed lunch or school dinners? Qu'est-ce que tu manges? La nourriture du collège ou un panier repas?
Qu'est-ce que tu préfères? Je préfère...
What do you drink? Qu'est-ce que tu bois?
Lesson 9
Lesson 9 (with audio)
L1, S1(a), S1(b), S2, R1,   Pairwork speaking - Qu'est-ce que tu bois?
To practise looking up new nouns in a dictionary. Developing dictionary skills with nouns
Dictionary lesson 1

Using alphabetical order, working out when to use a dictionary and when not to.
Combining new language with verbs of like and dislike to create new sentences.
Lesson 10
Lesson 10 (with audio)
R5   Supermarket memory game
To use the three verbs associated with eating different meals to say what you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and times you have them.
To use expressions of frequency to add detail.
Mealtimes and expressions of frequency
( always) toujours
(usually) d'habitude
(sometimes) parfois
À quelle heure manges-tu le petit déj / le déjeuner / le dîner?
Lesson 11
Lesson 11 (with audio)
W2, W3, G1, G4 Compare different typical mealtimes in the class with each other, and with traditional mealtimes in France. Phonics pronunciation practice
To practise the use of -ER regular verbs in different persons.
To build sentences using verbs, time expressions and food items.
Eating habits
Language from this module.
Lesson 12
Lesson 12 (with audio)
W2, W3, G1, G4   Keep a food diary for a week
Food dominoes