Rachel Hawkes

Yr 6 Spanish Spring Term

There is a PowerPoint resource for each lesson. In Yr 6 we anticipate that pupils will have a weekly lesson of between 45 - 60 minutes. Equally important, however, are the few minutes spent every day re-capping the language learnt each week. This is done with the Class 6 teacher. Suggestions for different activities are being added to this Scheme of Work and will appear soon.

Teachers adapt these master copies to suit their classes but ensure that they cover the language and skills as shown on the Scheme of Work. Where other resources are also used, these are listed in the resources column.

Spring Term
Week Objective(s) Language (core content) Resource(s) NC PoS ICU Follow up
To use a word list to write a text in response to a picture
To apply grammar (articles, adjectives (agreement and place), key verb forms, linking words)
Describing photos & giving opinions Lesson 13

Lesson 13 word sheet
W3, R5, G4    
To explore a Spanish poem
To practise memory and performance skills
Exploring a Spanish poem
La plaza tiene una torre - Antonio Machado
Lesson 14 S1 (a)    
To understand longer sentences
To practise writing longer sentences from memory
Introduction to 5 festivals & sentence-building
E.g. En julio en Pamplona hay una fiesta que se llama San Fermín. (In July in Pamplona there is a festival which is call San Fermín.)
Lesson 15 L1, L2, W1    
To understand language presented in sentences, some of which is unfamiliar
To listen to passages of 15 - 25 words and identify the gist to identify the festival. (Passages include some new language, mostly cognates)
Introduction to festivals and listen & identify 5 x festivals.
España es famosa por sus fiestas: Spain is famous for its festivals
Fiestas celebran la tradición y la cultura española: Festivals celebrate Spanish tradition and culture
En muchas fiestas la gente baila, canta y toca instrumentos: In lots of festivals people dance, sing and play instruments.
En muchas fiestas también hay fuegos artificiales: In lots of festivals there are also fireworks.
Lesson 16 L1, L2, R1, R4 To learn details about 5 traditional Spanish festivals.  
To read and understand a short text about the Carnaval de Cádiz
To use a dictionary, if needed, to help identity unknown words
Carnaval de Cadiz - match Q & As
¿Cuándo es? (When is it?)
Es en (julio) (It is in (july))
¿Cuántos días dura la fiesta? (How many days does the festival last?)
Dura (seis) días. (It lasts (six) days).
¿Dónde está? (Where is it?)
Está en..(It is in)
¿Qué lleva la gente? (What do people wear?)
La gente lleva... (People wear...)
¿Qué hay...? (What is there...?)
¿Qué opinas de..? (What do you think about...?)
Lesson 17 W3, R5, G4    
To give opinions and reasons for liking / disliking / preferring this festival to the Cádiz Carnaval Las fallas
Key language for all 5 x festivals

me gusta(n) / me encanta(n) / odio / prefiero
me parece (it looks / seems) / creo (I believe)
hay / se llama (it is called)
baila(n) (dances) / toca(n) (plays) / canta(n) (sings)
se celebra(n) (is celebrated) / lleva(n) (wears)
dura(n) (lasts) / la fiesta / las fiestas (festival / festivals) / la gente (people) / un instrumento (an instrument) / la tradición (tradition) / la cultura (culture) / sombreros (hats), gafas (glasses), pelucas (wigs), un pañuelo (scarf), una camiseta (t-shirt), un traje tradicional (traditional dress), un disfraz (fancy dress) / fuegos artificiales (fireworks), canciones (songs), petardos (firecrackers), figuras de papel maché (papier maché figures) / el encierro (bull running), la corrida de toros (bull fight)
Lesson 18 L1, S1 (b), S2 To find out more information about one specific festival.  
To work out from visual and textual clues the meaning of whole sentences
To pronounce accurately new words from text
Key language as above.
Lesson 19 R1, R3, R4    
To write (independently) sentence answers to familiar questions to produce a description of the San Fermín festival
To give opinions and justify those reasons
San Fermín (+ revision of song)
Key language as above.
Lesson 20 R2, W3, G4    
To read and understand a short text about the Tomatina
To use reading strategies to work out the overall meaning and some detail.
La Tomatina + reading comprehension task (level 4)
Key language as above.
Lesson 21

Reading comprehension

R1, R4 To find out more information about one specific festival.  
To use key language from this module to describe a festival in the UK. Describe a UK festival (writing task)
¿Cuándo es? (When is it?)
Es en (julio) (It is in (july))
¿Cuántos días dura la fiesta? (How many days does the festival last?)
Dura (seis) días. (It lasts (six) days).
¿Dónde está? (Where is it?)
Está en..(It is in)
¿Qué lleva la gente? (What do people wear?)
La gente lleva... (People wear...)
¿Qué hay...? (What is there...?)
¿Qué opinas de..? (What do you think about...?)
Lesson 22 W3, R5, G4