Rachel Hawkes

Yr 3 Spanish Autumn Term

There is a PowerPoint resource for each lesson. In Yr 3 we anticipate that pupils will have a weekly lesson of between 30-40 minutes. Equally important, however, are the few minutes spent every day re-capping the language learnt each week. This is done with the Class 3 teacher. Suggestions for different activities are being added to this Scheme of Work and will appear soon.

Teachers adapt these master copies to suit their classes but ensure that they cover the language and skills as shown on the Scheme of Work. Where other resources are also used, these are listed in the resources column.

Autumn Term
Week Objective(s) Language (core content) Resource(s) NC PoS ICU Follow up
1 To learn the key phonics vowel words
Phonics - las vocales
A - araña, E - elefante, I - idea, O - olvidar, U - universo
Lesson 1 L1, L2, S1(a) How Spanish surnames are formed
Some typical Spanish first names
Y3 booklet
1 To learn basic greetings and giving your name Greetings
Hola (Hello)
¿Cómo te llamas?
(What do you call yourself?)
Me llamo….. (I call myself)
¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)
muy bien, gracias (very well, thanks)
estupendo (great), bien (well) regular (ok), mal (bad), fatal (awful)
Lesson 2 L1, S1 (a, c)    
1 To understand and recall orally the numbers 1-10 Los números 1-10 (numbers 1-10)
(un), uno, una
Lesson 3 L1, R1, R3    
1 To ask how old someone is and give own age 1-10 and giving age
¿Cuántos años tienes? (How old are you?)
Tengo … años. (I am ..years old)
Lesson 4 S1 (a), S2, G4    
1 To know the remaining key phonics sounds words Phonics (2)
CA - casa, CE - cerdo, CI - ciclista, CO - coche, CU - cucaracha
GA - gato, GE - gemelo, GI - gimnasia, GO - gol, GU - gusano, GUE - guepardo, GUI - guitarra
J - jota, H - hamburguesa, ñ - España, Z - zumo, LL - llave
Lesson 5 L1, L2    
1 To practise and embed the phonics knowledge
2 To use the question '¿Tienes? (Do you have?) in a game
Phonics cards
¿Tienes? (Do you have?)
Sí, tengo. (Yes, I do have.)
No, no tengo. (No, I don't have.)
Lesson 6 S1 (a), S2
L1, G4
1 To learn the nouns for items in a pencil case Pencil case
un estuche (a pencil case)
un bolígrafo (a pen)
un lápiz ( a pencil)
un lápiz de memoria (a USB)
un sacapuntas (a sharpener)
un bote de pegamento ( a glue stick)
una regla (a ruler)
una goma (a rubber)
unos rotuladores (felt-tip pens)
unas tijeras (scissors)
Lesson 7 L1, L2, R1, R3, G1    
1 To embed the pencil case nouns
2 To ask 'Do you have a..?' and respond
Pencil case
¿Tienes un/una...? (Do you have a?)
Sí, No (Yes, No)
Lesson 8 S1(a), G1, G4    
1 To ask 'What do you have in your pencil case?' and respond Pencil case
¿Qué tienes en tu estuche? (What do you have in your pencil case?)
En mi estuche, tengo…(In my pencil case I have…)
Lesson 9 S1(a), S2, G1, G4    
1 To practise the sound-writing relationship Phonics Lesson 10 L1, L2, R3    
1 To learn some key facts about Christmas in Spain La Navidad en España Lesson 11 R3 Learn about Christmas customs in Spain Christmas card making
1 To learn a Spanish Christmas song La Navidad en España Lesson 12
L1, L2 Learn a Spanish Christmas song Lesson 12a